Scientific study of wrinkles using high-tech methods shows a gap in the collagen network beneath every single wrinkle. While collagen depletion is the number one cause of wrinkle formation, loss of firmness, or slack skin, is caused by the breakdown of the skin protein elastin. Collagen is the protein responsible for “plumpness” in skin; elastin is the protein that gives skin its ability to “snap back” after it is pinched or pulled. Collagen does have elastic properties, but it is the elastin that makes up only 3% of the dermis, which provides the skin with what it needs to stretch and be flexible.

Skin in its perfect state has small, elastic fibers intermeshed among the collagen network. These fibers stretch similarly to a rubber band. When skin becomes slack or loses its firmness, it is because these fibers have become scarce and are no longer evenly interwoven inside your collagen matrix.


A variety of factors cause elastin to break down, including:

  • Exposure to the sun
  • A diet lacking adequate amounts of protein
  • Ingestion of too much alcohol
  • Hormonal imbalances. In fact, menopause is the number one reason that women lose their skins’ youthful firmness.

By far, the greatest factor causing loss of firmness or slack skin, also known as elastosis, is the sun. Actinic elastosis is a condition entirely unique to sun worshippers. If you see a person with yellowed, rough and leathery looking skin, you are looking at a person with actinic elastosisActinic elastosis is not an equal-opportunity ager. Roughly 80% of sun seeking Caucasians will suffer from it, followed by 47% of Latinos, and 10% of African Americans. The leathery appearance of a person’s skin who has actinic elastosis is due to a buildup of broken-down, discarded elastic tissue. The damaged elastic tissue leaves the collagen network and accumulates near the dermal surface—resulting in rough, unsmooth skin.


  • CellXCell® Lifting + Firming Serum
  • Dragōne D’Or® Super Stimulator
  • Youth Intense Stimulating Moisture Complex


Only prescription retinoids, like Retin-A are FDA approved to reverse sun damage.

  • Follow THE SYSTEM. Start exfoliating or “skin smoothing” on a regular basis. If you slowly increase the number of times and the intensity of exfoliation, the skin will be triggered to produce more collagen and elastin, which play a key role in skin firmness.
  • Stop the destructive sources that encourage loss of firmness. Avoid sugars, free radicals, inflammation, hormones and UV rays. If you are interested in learning more, read my book, Breaking the Age Code, Young Skin for Life.
  • Use a topical skin care product with the word “STRENGTHENER” in it. It should indicate that the product contains antioxidants, anti-glycation actives and anti-inflammatories.
  • Use topical skin care products that contain an active ingredient which stimulates the skin to repair itself. Products containing peptides have proven hugely effective in firming skin…not all peptides are the same.
  • Look for products with the word “STIMULATOR” in them. This should indicate that the product contains agents whichstimulate fibroblasts to synthesize healthy collagen, elastin and moisture binding cells.
  • Follow a low glycemic diet. Eat foods that are high in healthy fats, oils and protein. Eliminate all starches and sugars. Remember, you can consume organic vegetables and fruits all day long…but if you don’t ingest protein throughout the day, your skin will suffer. Think of protein and healthy fats and oils as “skin foods.” Diets high in plant proteins like hummus, nuts, nut butters and soy have  shown to have positive effects on collagen and elastin.
  • With aging comes fat and bone loss. The facial architecture changes and often diminishes, thus resulting in loss of firmness. You can maintain youthful facial architecture using fillers, like Sculptra®. Sculptra®, when utilized by a knowledgeable board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon, is injected deep inside the skin tissue adjacent to the facial bone. Over a period of time Sculptra® dramatically increases the collagen content of the skin. Facial architecture is restored and the skin firms and lifts. Several injections are required in order to achieve these results.
  • If you are menopausal, consider discussing HRT or bio-identical hormone replacement with your doctor. Roughly 20% of collagen and elastin are lost within the first five years of menopause. Menopausal women lose their elastin at a much more rapid rate when they expose themselves to UV rays. Studies show that the sun has a devastating anti-elastin effect in menopausal women and that the sun is the leading cause of slack skin for women in this age group.
  • ALWAYS apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. The most harmful UVA rays penetrate glass easily.